Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Overview On Our Teddy One-Eye Newspaper Report

Read this addition of the teddy times to find out what happens when a grandmother is hijacked in a car, How 3 girls survived  the experience of a ghost  house. And why would a boy runaway to see some birds. More exciting news on the Queen's visit to new zealand. But where is the disaster you ask we have that here too. What will happen if a Catherine Wheels go wrong .

                                            Answers to all this and more inside!

Thursday, 20 August 2015

my sport centre slide show

My Teddy One-Eye newspaper image

My new task for writing is to make a newspaper report  I also decided to put an image in with it.

Granny Hijacked In Car

On Sunday the Bishop family went for an evening drive to rivertown. They stopped at a river to get some water to refresh the engine, leaving the granny in the backseat sleeping with a teddy on the floor. While sleeping two men (who have not yet been identified) hijacked the car and drove away. A farmer from a nearby farm who had been sipping tea 2 minutes ago jumped up to try and stop the car from ruining his crops. In the end   the car went through a haystack and the cars engine finally got to hot and the police took the men to the station. The Granny slept through the entire thing but the teddy clearly remembers everything. He says “ The noise was horrible and loud. The 2 men shouted things like “Plant ya boot dude” and “Lets see how fast this baby can go.” We attempted interviewing the grandmother but she could not remember anything seeing she slept through the entire thing. Experts wonder how the grandmother managed to sleep right through the entire hijack Like the Grandmother’s  son says “it would take a mag 9 quake to wake her”. The men are facing charges against attempted robbery and may be fined up to $6,000 each. The worst charge the men are facing is attempted kidnapping which may add up to a few  years imprisonment.

Our new writing task

On monday our starlight writing group got a new task. This time we have to choose a book by a New Zealand author and write sort of like a newspaper about events that happen in the book. The book we chose is Teddy one-eye by Gavin Bishop. We chose Teddy one-eye because it has lots events that happen between both covers like The Queens coronation, a granny getting hijacked in a car and lots more newsworthy events. I am doing two parts of the newspaper one is the overview and second is the Granny geting Hijacked. I think this task is really fun because it makes us think bout how it felt for the characters in the  book.

Friday, 7 August 2015

The Netball Tornament

On the 6th of August we had the year 5&6 Netball and Rugby tornament. I was in the Netball A team. The Netball A team had one win and one draw. We came seventh out of eleventh. The tornament was at the Lincoln event centre.

The Discovery Dome

On the 28th of July Rachel’s class, Jess and Maggie (us) went to a big inflatable dome at the Springston domain. That big inflatable dome was called the Discovery Dome. The discovery dome is run by Science Alive! The idea of the dome is to teach kids about space, stars, and planets. When we first went into the dome, it took our breath away. In the discovery dome we learnt about southern stars and constellations. The discovery dome was really cool the night sky was projected onto the roof of the dome and the guy (John) running it told us about constellations in the southern sky. We went forward in time until Friday when we would have a full moon. My favourite part of the dome was when we zoomed in really close on Neptune and we could actually see what it is like there.

                            By Jess P and Maggie C

Lit Quiz

Yesterday (6th August) was the 2015 Lit Quiz. Springston entered 2 teams and one of the Springston team's won and the other came 4th. I was in the winning team and we scored 105 out of 120. The other team scored 94 out of 120. I think we did really well.

A highlight for me was the entertainment. Desna Wallace was the entertainment, Desna came to talk about her book Canterbury Quake. Desna told us about how she came to write about the earthquakes. I really enjoyed Desna and I got my certificate signed by her.

For winning Springston gets to host the next Lit Quiz. Also as individual prizes each of the winning team got a book.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Light show 100 word challange

The sky is breathtaking
The southern lights
Aurora austrailis
Luminous sky's
Calm bad days
Lying on the ground  
Night lights glow
I can relax
Feeling good
Snug and warm
Staring at the sky
I hope the lights shine forever
Stars in the distance
Are nothing compared to these
Glowing colours of pink, blue, green and orange
My thoughts disappear
In my happy place
All my memories fade away
Spirits coming down to embrace loved ones
Mystical and magical memories made
Love every moment
I start to sob
My lights are leaving as dawn breaks
Faint glows as the aurora disappears.

My Starlight Writing

My Backyard Stargazing.

I am lying on my back staring at the twinkling pinpoints in the night sky. I make out the southern cross, the two Pointers, some of the Jewel box cluster, Centaurus, Carina, Puppis and Vela I remember that I am looking into history because the light from the stars takes a long time to get to earth.

I run inside and grab my new telescope. Sadly my telescope is not exactly high technology but it will do. I set it up on the lawn and focus it. I zoom in on the Jewel box cluster.

The Jewel box cluster is an open cluster in the southern cross. 7 stars in the cluster make an A shape. The Jewel box cluster was discovered by Sir John Herschel. The Jewel box is one of  the youngest clusters estimated at 14 million years of age.

Being the sailors compass I focus my telescope on the
Southern Cross also known as the constellation Crux. The Southern Cross is the smallest yet one of the most recognisable of the 88 modern constellations. The southern cross was once part of the Centaurus but people thought it was enough to be a constellation on its own.

After  numerous minutes of studying  the Southern Cross I decide to move on. Next on my list are the 2 pointers. Personally I think the pointers are really cool. They are so bright. They point towards the southern cross with an imaginary line.The two stars in the pointers are Alpha Centauri and Agena. The pointers are in the constellation Centauri.  

Now I centre on to Centaurus. Centaurus is a very large constellation.  Centaurus  has 281 stars above magnitude 6.5 this  means it is powerfully visible to the naked human eye.
I decide to go to sleep for the night, The time is approaching  10:30 pm and I am cold and tired. I scramble inside and into bed for well needed sleep. My plan is to come out again tomorrow night and try to see at least another 3 constellations.

The next day I plan my night carefully I will go out at 9:30 pm and stay until 10:30 pm. I will try to fit in Carina, Puppis and Vela and then I will just look at individual stars.

It is 9:40 pm and I am studying Carina. Carina was discovered by  French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in 1751. Carina used to be a part of the constellation Argo Navis, but Argo Navis ended up being divided into 3 constellations, Carina, Puppis and Vela. When Carina was in Argo Navis Carina was the keel of the ship. It is also a modern constellation.

I move on to Puppis. Puppis is one of the 88 modern constellations. Puppis was the poop deck in Argo Navis before dividing in 1752. Puppis is the biggest of the 3 constellations that Argo Navis was divided into.

Now it is Vela’s turn. Vela’s name is Latin for the sails of a ship.
Vela’s brightest star is Gamma Velorum. Gamma velorum has a magnitude of 1.81 making it slightly visible to the naked eye. Vela is one of the 88 modern constellations.

Now I’m Tired, It is 10:30 pm and I have seen lots of amazing constellations. When I go to bed that night an idea hits me - I should write.something about the stars and constellations I have seen. The next morning I get to work first thing the next morning and this is my masterpiece I have written. You just finished reading it!!!