Friday, 24 July 2015

Home Learning - My Anne Frank slide show

Ever since reading the Diary of Anne Frank in 2014 I have been inspired by her story so I made a slide show about her for home learning. Please watch it- I hope you like it !

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

year 6 hoodies

I feel year 6s should get  senior hoodies and I have 3 very good reasons why.

Firstly quite a few year 6 is leaving before being a year 7&8. This means they will never get the experience of being a senior there for no hoodies.This is their last year and they really deserve them.                                                                          

another reason is the hoodie are stylish and have warm insides to prevent us getting colds. the hoodies could save electricity because we wouldn't need to use heat pumps as much.

lastly we don't just have to wear them to school  we can wear them any where and bring pride to the school!!!s this means we may get more new students and that could be very good for the school.

in conclusion hoodies are a great idea for many reasons. We really deserve them because after all we are only one year away !!!!!!!!!

My home learning - cooking for my family

                                                menu :
dinner = Roast lamb with roasted potato, pumpkin, onion and kumara.
dessert = sponge cake with whipped cream.                                  
                                                                 family comments:
Adele says the roast was really good, next time maybe try to make the sponge cake lighter.
Ashley says the roast was fine, the sponge cake had too much cream.
Dad thinks I should cook every sunday.
Becky thinks It was yummy
Mum says the roast vegetables were yummy and crunchy but you could practise peeling spuds anytime!                        

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

My avatar

My avatar

My Mihi


Tena koutou e hoa ma      ( Greetings to you all )
Ko Aoraki te maunga        ( My mountain is mount cook)
Ko waikirirkiri te awa        ( my river  is the selwyn)
Ko Aotearoa te iwi           (My people are New Zealanders)

Ko springston toku kura   ( My school is springston)
Ko James toku matua       ( my father is James)
Ko Sarah toku whaea      ( My mother is Sarah)
Ko Jess toku ingoa           ( My name is Jess)
No otautahi ahau             ( I am from christchurch)

No reira,
Tena koutou Tena koutou Tena koutou katoa

Lit Quiz

The Lit Quiz is an annual Quiz. For the Lit Quiz a lot of schools enter teams of 6 people. In the months leading up to the Quiz everyone reads 12 books to answer Questions on and the team who gets the most answers right win the Quiz and gets to host the  next Lit Quiz.

In 2014 a Springston School team won the Lit Quiz and the other Springston School team came around 7th. So in reality we did really well! I was in the winning team. I highly recommend trying to get in to Lit Quiz!


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I-time reflection

Some thing I enjoyed in I-time is doing the 100 word challenges and Inquiry projects
and a new activity I think should be posting things on our blogs